N&D Low Grain Chicken & Pomegranate Puppy Medium Dog Food
Farmina Low Grain Chicken & Pomegranate Puppy Medium Dog Food supports the Nutrition System for Carnivores, which is focused on utilising the greatest quality ingredients to create nutritious meals that fit our four-legged companions’ carnivorous character and include a minimal quantity of conventional grains. We picked spelt and oats as our emphasis foods because they are two ancient grains that contribute to the health advantages of the Mediterranean diet.
Farmina’s commitment to the Italian culinary heritage influenced this choice. Natural & Delicious Ancestral Grain nutrition system for carnivores is a complete food with 60% really high quality animal origin raw materials (90% protein from animal origin) and a few ancestral cereals (spelt and oats) that are gluten-free, GMO-free, and full of vitamins, minerals, and natural antioxidants. N&D Ancestral Grain kibble comes in two sizes: Mini and Medium & Maxi, so you may choose the correct one for your dog’s size.
N&D Low Grain Chicken & Pomegranate Puppy Medium Dog Food Features:
- Pomegranates benefit your digestive health as well as your skin and decrease inflammation.
- Your dog will have a lot of energy and will not have problems like diabetes since it contains a lot of animal components.
- Natural foods are high in vitamins and minerals, which may help increase immunity.
- Because it contains chondroitin and glucosamine, this product may be beneficial to your dog’s joints.
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